Discussion of "On Certainty"

What does it mean to be certain?

Examples of knowledge and belief contexts:

Wittgenstein's claims:

553: the queerness of certain "apparent" moves in a l.g.: "I know I am sitting on a chair"

51-54: basic distinction: Moore's example is not like a hypothesis in science. Moore's case plays a systemic role in a language game (as in 54) wheras scientific hyp.s are local.

111: My not having been on the moon is as sure a thing as any grounds I could give for it.


  1. Everything descriptive of a language game is part of its logic.
    ("there is a red patch" is part of the logic of the l.g.) (56)
  2. The possibility of a l.g. doesn't depend upon everything being doubted that can be doubted (392)
  3. If the true is what is grounded, then the ground is not true, nor yet false. (205)
  4. 559