Feminist Thought

Feminists Critique of Engels/Marxism



Sexuality is to Feminism what Work is to Marxism (3 in Toward a Feminist Theory of the State)


This is why Marxists, Marx, Engels always fail to account for womenÕs subordination, canÕt view womenÕs situation accurately


General Feminist Criticisms

1) Many have criticized him for soundness of anthropological evidence


2) Point out that he sees division of labor along gender lines as natural

     - characteristic of all social systems

     - matriarchal or patriarchal


3) That he confuses social construction of sexuality with ÒnatureÓ

e.g. Pairing marriage as desired by women because of innate difs b/w male and female sexuality

     all males lust for group marriage

     all females want chastity,

     ÒsecurityÓ provided by male


Misinterpretations of Engels

often portrayed as more feminist than he is

misquote him as believing that women were a class;

or that male/female relations =  Òfirst class divÓ


not true - sex=div of labor

     not dif rels to means of production