Feminist Theory


Walsh Critique of Locke/Liberalism


1.       How/why are Communitarian Feminists critical of Lockean Liberalism?


2.       How/why are Radical Feminists critical of Lockean Liberalism?


3.       What does Walsh argue?











1.        Communitarian Feminists argue that individual rights need to be balanced by the duties/obligations to the group, a sense of group (i.e., family or community) identity


Also argue that construing public sphere politics as being about self-interest robs it of “feminine qualities” like compassion that are essential to creating a healthy political community


2.        Radical Feminist

Criticize the Public/Private division that pervades Lockean Liberalism

i.e., that we have rights in the political sphere (not the same in the private sphere)


Liberalism “depoliticizes the family”

Really, sees politics as what happens in the public sphere and interprets what happens in the family as natural, pre-political


Guarantees men’s rights in the public sphere; ignores women’s rights (subsumes them to convention, patriarchy in the private sphere)


3.       Walsh’s argument

Anti-Liberal Feminists are wrong about Locke’s distinction




Feminists need the public/private distinction in order to attain “the goals of feminism:”  liberty and equality






How are anti-liberal feminists wrong?


           Doesn’t preclude government        



           Grants women adult status


Adults (unlike children) have

Right to control their body, their labors



What does Feminism gain from Liberalism?


See especially Walsh, 129, on what she describes as the liberating potential in Locke. 



Do you agree that the Locke’s ideas can be used to emancipate women?  Give an example. 




How would Locke explain the inequalities that exist in society today?