The New Europe

EU External Economic Relations

Based on Chpt 14 in Cini by Michael Smith

External Economic Relations

Longest area of joint action among EU members

e.g. Common Commercial Policy

also, development assistance and international monetary policy


EU as Global Economic Power


Tensions and contradictions in External Economic Policies




The Commission plays central role

Initiates, conducts policy in Common Commercial Policy

e.g.  ÒWelchÕs WaterlooÓ

in the WTO

Microsoft Competition Case



Development Assistance

An area of Òmixed competence,Ó

i.e., powers shared by EU and national governments

so some aid is bi-lateral, some from EU


3 Major Agreements on

Yaounde Agreement (1963, 1969)

     Reciprocal trade preferences between EEC states and former colonies

     European Development Fund

Joint Council of Ministers, Parliamentary Assembly, Committee of Ambassadors


Lome Agreement (1975, 1979, 1984, 1990, 1995)

     Added former British colonies

     Africa, Caribbean, Pacific (ACP) Group formed at Secretariat

     1974: 46 ACP countries

     1995:  68 ACP countries

     Non-reciprocal trade preferences

     Price supports for agricultural (1979) and mineral (1984) exports


Cotonou Agreement (2000 for 20 years)

     ACP Countries:  78 (as of 2006)

Multi-lateral agreemnts supplemented by bilateral or minilateral Economic Partnership Agreements

**Conditionality:  aid linked to democratic governance and protection of human rights


EU Donor Atlas

Countries where EU supplies 75% or more of development aid:




Costa Rica

Equatorial Guinea


Guinea Bissau




St. Helena






Wallis & Futuna



The Role of EU as a Global Economic Power

Is the EU an Economic Super Power?


Give some examples of EU Economic Power


Why is it often not recognized as such?






Global Economic Superpower:  YES!

Examples: GDP


Chapter from Reid ÒLÕEurope Qui GagneÓ

    Development Assistance (Smith, 231)

       Bi-lateral and multi-lateral

       EU 27 Total (2007)  68.1 bln

       US                           22.1 bln

       Japan                       11.9 bln



Why not recognized as economic power?

    Nature of MNCs, global economy

    Quiet, donÕt advertise it

    EU amalgamates power, disguises it










Between the economic interests of ÒEurope,Ó European based MNCs

And promoting the interests/development of the developing world



Prosperity Òfor allÓ or for Europe


Does Europe have to choose?  Can it pursue both goals?  Has it?  How?