The New Europe

Sabre Rattling or Selling Sabres?


Lecture notes on ÒRussian Foreign PolicyÓ in Lucas, The New Cold War,  2014 Edition.

Description: Russian_Sailor_Sevastopol.jpg                                                                              

Note this story on Russian Navy in Sebastopol, 2008

Links up well with Cottey theme, The Paradox of Russian Power


Is Russia strong or weak militarily?  How do we know?  Spend some time talking this over at your table, researching RussiaÕs military might



Look for data comparing military capacities of US (and NATO) and Russian Federation



Specifically, annual military spending in real terms and as % of GDP


Size of forces (conventional and nuclear)









































US and Russia Compared


Nation Master


Lucas describes several very advanced weapons systems developed by RU in recent years, e.g., Shkval torpedo, Moskit supersonic missile, S-400 air defense system (twice the range of US Patriot missiles), Topol-M (ICBM fueled by solid fuel that can be launched from anywhere)

Description: 19-03-2012-Parade-rehearsal_-_Topol-M.jpg

Investing in $190 bln through 2015 (not clear since when) in modernizing its arsenal; replacing 45% of weaponry (Lucas, 245)


Description: NE Nato RU forces image.jpg


Source:  Originally Der Spiegel but be sure to visit where I found it on Dr. Dmitri GorenburgÕs Blog RussiaMil



Cited by Lucas:

     Center for Defense Information (for US – part of POGO)



Are we (and the Russians) victims of the Cold War mentality obsessed with competition and brinksmanship? Is this useful for negotiating the world today? Developing our foreign policy?  Acting in the world?




What is LucasÕs bottom line on Russian military might?






Selling Arms



Look for current info on arms sale by country

     US, Russia, France, Germany



     Russian export firm, created by Putin in 2000:  Rosoboronexport


Russia is worldÕs second largest arms seller, after US

     Biggest buyers:  China, India, African countries




















RussiaÕs Most Effective Weapons in the New Cold War?



Description: f-rusbombers-2008.jpg




















Information, Misinformation, Propaganda (sabre rattling)

e.g., hinting that it might be helping Iran develop nuclear weapons

     ÒbuzzingÓ UK, Baltic countries

     deliberately raising periscope off coast of Sweden

     play NATO, European countries and US off of each other, create division

     e.g., the plan to put missile defense systems in PL and CZ (now abandoned)



European public opinion against US since Iraq War, Bush presidency

     Obama hasnÕt acted in ways that restore faith

     NSA spy scandal, phone hacking


     Revealed that Romania, Poland (and Lithuania) participated in extraordinary rendition

     Lucas writes, The Kremlin couldnÕt have written a better story line (254)

     European Court of Human Rights (Council of Europe body) found PL guilty of this in  

     Al Nishiri v. Poland (24 July 2014)



Conventional Forces in Europe Treaty

     Negotiated, signed in 1990

     Lucas argues its really symbolic

     Putin can act insulted by refusal of some countries to ratify (in response to Georgia situation)

     Portrays it as sign of Western aggression on RussiaÕs borders

     An invitation to withdraw from it altogether


Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty

     Putin said in 2007 that it no longer serves Russian interests (256)



Ideology driving RussiaÕs Foreign Policy? [go to Valdai notes here]








ÒRussiaÕs business is business (Dmitri Trenin) (258)


Lucas asserts (258) that Putin has dropped 3 cornerstones of Soviet foreign policy:

     -a messianic ideology

     -raw military power

     -the imperative of territorial expansion


in favor of creating an ideology of wealth for the politically connected (and political power for the economically connected)


Do you agree?





Cooperation in Central Asia

     PutinÕs concession to allow US to use airbase in Kazakhstan to demonstrate our common cause in

     Defeating Islamic extremism, terrorism


     Back-fired?  Dividends didnÕt pay off, Lucas implies (259)


     And it seems the sands are shifting in Central Asia

     Russian-Kazakh Relations are again strengthening


NATO Expansion

     US treat Russia as a pariah

     Russia responds by acting like one?

     We insist on democracy promotion, Russia consolidates power along other lines?

Moves closer to Brazil, India, China, Venezuela (Putin himself, in Valdai speech, mentions the BRICs as an important counter balance to US unilateralism)    

Notes there were no anti-Chavez rallies in European capitals, but there were anti-Bush ones (261)





RussiaÕs Foreign Policy ÒWish ListÓ In Europe (261-62)

     Deference to Russia in Òformer Soviet EmpireÓ? (where does this end?)  better to say FSU?

     The energy ÒFinlandizationÓ of Europe – what does this mean?

International parity of esteem (i.e. R-E-S-P-E-C-T), i.e., seat at table at big meetings (G-8 – note G-7 meeting last year due to UKR situation) Òthe quartetÓ negotiations in Isr/Palestine


RussiaÕs Clout in the Muslim World

     What is RussiaÕs relationship with ÒMuslim worldÓ?  [what Muslim world??]

Putin declared Russia IslamÕs Òhistoric defenderÓ at meeting in 2003 meeting in Malaysia [is there any factual basis for this?  What is it?  Is this revisionism?]


Russia joined the Islamic Conference Organization as an observer in 2005



What is RussiaÕs agenda in cozying up to (some) Muslim countries


Note:  Syria situation, UN votes









See bottom of page 263






Historically Anti-Semitic (hence, pro-Palestinian)


[Lucas argues that the Russian pendulum has swung towards Israel because of large Russian speaking minority there; this is patently false.  These are Russian speaking Jews, not a group that Putin has any political affinity towards.  There is no evidence of growing support of Israel on PutinÕs part.  To the contrary, Putin has fostered close ties with new counter-revolutionary government in Egypt and has been one of Syrian regimeÕs staunchest supporters.  It is widely believed that Russia supports Hamas and Hezbollah.  These, plus Iran, are the horses Putin is backing in MENA].




WWW:  World without the West!


     New axes of power


     Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO)


     Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO)




Maybe we really are moving in to a New Cold War!