Feminist Thought

Daly on Suttee, Genital Mutilation, etc.

 Showing global nature of patriarchy

 as Sado-ritual against women

Where? Everywhere

– suttee (Sati)
China - foot-binding
Africa – female genital mutilation
– witch burning
US – gynecology

All have in common the following elements of  Sado-ritual:

1) obsession with purity – keeping women/girls/nation pure

2) erasure of (male) responsibility/demand for the practice – “just following tradition”; make these horrific things seem normal

3) tendency to catch on or spread

*often class basis for this – generally practiced among high caste/class women – e.g. Cleopatra – so lower classes/castes mimic

4) women as token torturers – mothers, daughters, wives

5) compulsive orderliness – exact procedure, ritual

6) legitimation thru “objective” scholarship

e.g., value-free social science, multi-culturalism or cultural relativism

Can you describe each phenomemon listed above and how it conforms to the six listed characteristics?
Indian widows

Indian Widows Today

Mother binding daughter's feet    Foot deformed by binding    Foot deformed by binding    Feet deformed by binding    Foot bound Woman with shoes


Map of Where FGM Widely Practiced

Witch burning

History of Caesarean Site
Our Bodies, Our Selves

What parallels to sati, footbinding, FGM, witch burning exist in US society today?

US Elderly Women
Old Woman

17.3% of nonmarried elderly women in the US live in poverty

High heels, Ballerina feet

   Footbound foot High heels    Ballerina Feet    Ballerina without shoes

Cosmetic surgery

Witch burning
Anita Hill    Martha Stewart   

Denigrating women's knowledge

Gyn/Ecology Cover    Starhawk book cover    Our Bodies, Ourselves cover