Feminist Theory
Radical Feminism

Mary Daly (1928-present)
b. Schenectady, NY Oct. 16, 1928

Daly bio from the Wickedary

Daly bio

Bibliography of Daly's work

Creative Quotations by Daly

equityfeminism on Daly's retirement

Mary Daly Gyn/Ecology

Made her career in the Religious Studies Department at Boston College
– problems with her promotion to full prof – now suit, retirement situation

Style of the book?  How is it different from other “academic” texts you read?


Patriarchy has stolen our cosmos and returned it in the form of Cosmopolitan magazine and cosmetics (5)!!!

          also p. 20 – mother as suburban housewife, daughter as “liberated” cosmo girl

 what cosmos??  what is she talking about?

 She’s deliberately trying to be different – invent her own way, feminist way of

dis-covering information

her practice of hyphenating or capitalizing – doesn’t follow “rules”

hyphenates – to recall earlier meanings, to make us think about meanings

e.g. re-search

to invent new meaning or

to re-cover  or  reveal an older one

the-rapist, stag-nation


Capitalizes – sometimes when referring to society wide institution

e.g. Deep Background – where the truth about women’s power/status has receded to – where it waits to be re-discovered by Furious Furies

refuses to capitalize – church, christianity, etc. 

how women/truth end up in Deep Background

p.8 – erasure;


false polarization;

divide and conquer – token women

Men in control of women– across cultures and times
i.e., patriarchy is global, universal, timeless just reinvented, renamed, disguised differently in different places

         men as gynocologists

          as soul doctors (priests and gurus)

          as mind doctors (psychiatrists, ad-men, academics)

          as body doctors (physicians and fashion designers)


Words she’s re-claimed

glamour –p. 4 – a mgic spell – power of withches – now disempowered to refer only to physical appearances – glamourous = the ultimate expression of conventional “beauty”

Hag – p. 14-15

Old English – “female demon, fury, harpy – evil or firghtening spirit, ugle or evil looking women;

later – wild eyed – “an intractable person, especially a woman reluctant to wooing****”


Spinster – p. 3 (and 392-94)

one who makes her living by spinning – woman who lives alone – woman independent of men!!

spinning – metaphor for journey – discovery – writing, creativity – in contrast to male linear thinking,


anti-male – of course – that’s what they’ll say to dismiss it

**29 – read first paragraph

only women are unable to name their oppressors –

she embraces this

Anti-androcrat, A-mazingly Anti-male, Furiously and Finally Female



p. 7 bunnies, bitches, beavers, squirrels, chicks, pussycats, etc.

women as animals –

men as animals??  stud!!!!!


Points out tragic ironies like *5 “Free Spirit” as a name for bras and girdles!!