Feminist Thought
Liberalism and Organized Feminism

I.  What is the “problem that has no name?”

Betty Friedan,  The Feminine Mystique
betty friedan
1963 – marks the beginning of Second Wave Feminism in the US
wrote about the plight of suburban housewives
june cleaver    janet jetson    wilma flintstone

– how is the problem related to liberalism?
Whole idea of housewifery premised on the strict division of public and private and the respective masculinization and feminization of the spheres that goes along with it

Organized feminism in the US – very much shaped by liberalism, its assumptions, definitions, remedies in public policy

II.  1st wave feminism - framed in terms of equality - esp equality of opp/access
right to devel faculties

takes 70 years of org'd agitation to get the vote

protest, demonstration in front of White House

arrested, hunger strikes, force fed

1920 19th Amendment

III.  2nd Wave feminism late 1960s early 1970s

precipitating factors
 women's increased partic in workforce
 WWII - Rosie the Riveter to Rosie the Housewife
 experience with the CR and peace movements - treated as lesser partics. by  male leaders - Stokely Carmichael quote

leads to own movement
complex, multifaceted, range of demands, techniques but STILL

Bra Burning?

Angry Feminists?

gloria steinem

Ms. Magazine:  More than a magazine.  A movement

Equality Frame Evident in NOW Bill of Rights
I. Equal Rights Amendment
II. Enforcement of Laws Banning Sex Discrimination in Employment
III.  Maternity Leave Rights in Employment and in Soc Sec Benefits
IV.  Tax Deducation for Home and Child Care Expenses for Working Parents
V.  Child Care Centers
VI. Equal and Unsegregated Education
VII.  Equal Job Training Opps and Allowances for Women in Poverty
VIII.  The RIght of Women to Control their Reproductive Lives

Why these rights/issues?

What has been accomplished?

Which  most problematic and why?


NOW 1966 - Statement of Purpose (you did read this)

a little broader agenda - also mentions media images, for example,

but still largely equality agenda, eq access to politics, higher ed, careers, etc.

men and women - seek true equality for all women in America, full equal partnership of the sexes

**as part of human rts revolution

full partic in Am society

*unfinished revolution of 1st wave fem

**yet childbearing and rearing which continue to be a most important part of most women's lives - still is used to justify barring women from equal prof'l and econ. partic and advance

assumption that women will retire from jobs for 10-15 yrs to care for children
 demand nat'l network of child care centers

is equality in workplace poss given women's dif career patterns? demands on women in family?

Spiller article “The Feminist Majority Report:  Corporate Women and the Mommy Track.”  Feminist Frameworks, pp. 316-318.

Her argument: that women are kept out of positions of power by systematic discrimination, the "mommy track myth", and institutionalized sexism NOT by women's choices, circumstances

that it's just a matter of time before women achieve equal representation in corporate power structures

that it is conflicts with home and family that keep women down  
    class element; middle class women can have it all; cleaning women not offered mommy track

that women are not as serious about careers, drop out, opt out

that the mommy track is a practical way for women to have it all

that women leave corporate life to start their own businesses

that any woman can succeed if she's competent and works hard