Feminist Thought
Socialist Feminists

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

b. July 3, 1860; d. August 17, 1935 (suicide; breast cancer)

"There is no female mind. The brain is not an organ of sex.

Might as well speak of a female liver".


In addition to her socialist idea, she used ideas drawn from Darwinism

Women had to use their sexual assets to assure them the best mates


Socialist Feminists assert:

1. Sexism has a life of its own.  It has existed throughout human history, under every economic system (in other words, Engels was wrong!!)

2. Capitalism determines the particular forms of sexism in a capitalist society

3. The subjugation of women contributes to capitalists’ domination of society


Reading:  Excerpt from “Women and Economics:  A Study of the Economic Relation between Men and Women as a Factor in Social Evolution”

Central Question?









What is the relation of woman to work, money, life, status?


In Marxist terms, to labor, the division of labor, the means of production?




Women are not economically independent, but rather dependent upon or interdependent with their husbands


So much that they derive their class status from their occupation


How can women’s share in the earnings and property of her husband be justified?


As his “partner”


NO, she’s not his business partner



As the one who serves his domestic needs?



If so, then all women would earn only a maid’s salary, no more



As the mother of his children?


This makes motherhood an exchangeable commodity, one that women give in order to obtain clothing and food


What about good vs. bad mothers?  Can you adjust for quality of mothering in this scheme?


What about women who do not bear children?  Should they be cast into the street?


What’s the point of this discussion?  Why is she considering all these motives and explanations?












To show that women are in a unique position; there is a separate set of social distinctions and rules for them that Marxist concept of class cannot accommodate



Chpt. XIV

Argues for married people to create a home together FREE from DOMESTIC labor


The basis for marriage should be mutual affection not economic dependence of women upon men; nor domestic exploitation of women or dependence of men upon women 



Shulamith Firestone

b. 1945

A Second Wave Feminist

Founder of NY Radical Feminists

Excerpt from “The Dialectic of Sex:  A Case for Feminist Revolution”

Synthesized the ideas of Sigmund Freud, Wilhelm Reich, Karl Marx, Frederick Engels, and Simone de Beauvoir into a radical feminist theory of politics


Why do we need a “dialectic of sex?”

Sex, sexism so deeply embedded, central to our existence, people act like you’re crazy if you even bring it up

It’s so deep…we need a REVOLUTION


So, she borrow the method of dialectics from Marx/Engels

Historical materialism is a powerful analytic

But it misses a whole “sexual substratum”

Engels tried, failed to account for women’s status in strictly economic terms



So, she proposes instead a “materialist view of history based on sex itself (225)

She says only Simone de Beauvoir comes close to doing this, but ends up on the existential side of things


She argues instead, for an analysis rooted in the BIOLOGICAL FAMILY as “the basic reproductive unit of male/female/infant

Characterized by these fundamental facts

1. women before birth control at the mercy of their reproductive biology

2. infant long term dependency

3. mother/child interdependency

4. reproductive difference led to the first division of labor

i.e. a division of labor based on SEX

All other economic and cultural distinctions grow out of this one


True, not true, what do you think?









If it is true, what is the remedy?  How do we escape the gender division of labor?












Technology!! Artificial reproduction, completely gender neutral roles in all aspects of life will follow