Global Gender Regimes Online

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Click on photo for story on the pandemic of violence against Mexican girls and women.

Course Project (40 points of your 100-point Course Grade)

You will choose one of the five following countries as the subject of your Gender Regime Course Project:  Sweden, Russia, Mexico, India, or Rwanda.

As we shall learn throughout the course, a gender regime consists of the gender repercussions of each regionÕs dominant religious beliefs, family life, and its economic and political systems. Click here to see the Gender Regime Table a tabular description of several kinds of political-economic regimes (listed in the first column).  The first row uses the US as an example, filling all of the columns across it. 

You will produce a Gender Regime Table for your country, i.e., each table will have the top row and then a second row naming the political-economic regime of his/her country, then filling in the rest of the row to describe each aspect of the regime.

Note that the table begins with descriptions of several different types of political and economic regimes such as Liberal-Individualist, Social Democratic and Marxist-Leninist, etc.  It is your task to decide what kind of political-economic regime exists in your country and to develop the descriptions you will put in the columns across from that regime type.  You can invent your own name for the political-economic regime if you find none of those listed quite right.  You may combine modifiers found in two or three of those listed here (e.g., state-building transitional regime) to best describe your countryÕs regime.  Please feel free to solicit my input as you are working through what labels fit best.  You will include your Gender Regime Table in the Power Point Presentation and Gender Regime Summary Paper turn in during Week 4 of the course.

Power Point Presentation (20 points of your 100 point Course Grade)

You will each create a Power Point Presentation depicting the Gender Regime of your country.  There is no fixed requirement in terms of length, but 15-20 slides is a good goal.  See my example of the ChinaÕs Gender Regime here.

HereÕs a list of the bases you should be sure to cover:

1. The predominant religion(s) in your country and how their beliefs and authority structures have shaped the status of women.

2. Demographics and description of family life, women's power/status within the family.  Data to include here include:  average age of women and men at first marriage; fertility rate (births per woman); contraceptive accessibility, most commonly used methods and rates of usage; abortion rate/laws; sex ratio; other health concerns that disproportionately affect women (some may put information about violence against women here); life expectancy rates for women and men.  You may not find all of these data for your country but make an effort to find them.  Good sources are the World Health Organization, UN Women, UN, Gender Stats at the World Bank and WikiGender.

3. A description of and statistics on women's participation in the economy.  Look for data on GDP PER CAPITA, womenÕs workforce participation (part-time, full-time, formal and informal; in what sectors of the economy; women in entrepreneurship, gender pay gap, hours worked per week by women vs. men (paid and unpaid).  Data can be found at :  CIA World Factbook, ILO, Gender Stats at the World Bank.

4. A description of and statistics on women's participation in politics.  You MUST state the PERCENTAGE OF WOMEN SERVING IN YOUR COUNTRYÕS LEGISLATIVE BRANCH (LOWER HOUSE OR SINGLE HOUSE) AND COMPARE IT TO OTHER COUNTRIES IN THE SAME REGION AS WELL AS THE US.  See IPU site for these data and more on women in politics.  You should also determine if your country has PARTY-BASED QUOATAS or national QUOTAS for women in its national legislature.  It is also appropriate to highlight significant women politicians, current or former.

5.  Regional context. It is helpful for the viewer/reader to put the data for your country into a regional and/or world context.  You can do that by computing averages by region by using the countries listed after the name of each region to develop regional averages.  If data is missing for one or more of the countries listed on a particular indicator, simply omit it from the regional average.

Western Europe (UK, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden)
Post-Communist Europe (Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania, the Russian Federation, Ukraine);
Latin America (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico, Peru);
South Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka);                                                                                                 Sub-Saharan Africa (Senegal, Gabon, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Ghana, Democratic Republic of Congo, South Africa, Kenya, Ethiopia, Rwanda).

Of course, YOU DO NOT NEED to compute regional averages for all of the data you will collect in numbers 2-4, but it would be nice to include this one or two social or economic indicators that you feel really shed a lot of light on the situation of women in your country.  The IPU includes a page with regional averages for womenÕs representation in legislatures so this one is easy to include.

6.  Activism/Empowerment:  What seems to be the most significant barrier to womenÕs empowerment in your country?  What are women (and perhaps men) in your country and around the world mobilizing to address this problem?

7. A final slide showing your Gender Regime Table for your country.

8.  Remember that since you are not going to orally present your work, your slides have to have all the information you want to convey to your Òaudience.Ó  DonÕt see this as a reason/excuse to clutter your slides with a lot of words – use MORE slides with FEWER words when in doubt.  See my ÒChinaÓ example presentation as a guide.

9.  Aim to make your presentation both informative AND visually interesting, stream-lined and easy to interpret.  Use photos, graphs, maps, etc.  The occasional video may be helpful but these should be SHORT (under 5 minutes).

10.  DONÕT FORGET to use COURSE TEXTS as sources – the Burn (Women Across Cultures) book is a wealth of data on how to approach the study of women Òacross culturesÓ as the title suggests.  Mine the appendix for data. Use the glossary to learn and reinforce your understanding of key terms, definitions and indices.  If you are doing Mexico, make sure to incorporate the findings of the Wright book (Disposable Women and Other Myths of Capitalism).  If you are doing India, make sure to incorporate Hudson and den Boer (Bare Branches)

11.  Your last few slides should be your Works Cited page.


Posting and Discussing Presentations (20 points of your 100-point course grade)

You will post your presentation in two places. First, to your International Group found under the Groups Button in Blackboard.  The International Groups will comprise one person covering each of the 5 countries (10 points).  Second, you will post your presentation to Your CountryÕs Forum under the classwide Discussion Board Button.  Here you will compare and discuss with others in the class who researched your same country (10 points). 

In both cases, your 10-point grade will be based on commenting on some aspect of each of the other four presentations in your group (2 points total - .5 pt each group). Quality matters!  Six points are based on the quality, depth, reflective and integrative nature of your comments to others. Good comments will include information gleaned from the class, i.e., referring to analytical concepts and measures we have become familiar with and referencing authors we have read in the class. The last two points in each forum are for the quality of your responses to peopleÕs comments on YOUR presentations/comparisons. 


Gender Regime Project Summary (40 points total)

Taken together, the various aspects of the Gender Regime Project comprises 20 points of your total course grade: 

       20 points for the quality of your presentation

       10 points for the quantity and quality of your comments on the presentations of the other people in your International Group

       10 points for the quantity and quality of your comments on the presentations of the other people in your Country Group