People and Politics Worldwide
Presidential vs. Parliamentary Systems

Presidential System
What we have in the US

Our Founders were suspicious of government power so sought to divide it through institutional design of “the Three Branches”

What are the Three Branches in the U.S. system??






Executive, Legislative, Judiciary

Which one does the president head???
 The Executive (consists of federal agencies, the Cabinet and the President)

How does this differ from a parliamentary system???
 In a parliamentary system, Executive and Legislative power are fused in the persona of the Prime Minister (also called the Premier, First Minister, or Chancellor in other countries).

 What do I mean “fused”?
 i.e. the PM is the head of the Parliament (i.e. the legislative branch) to which she/he has stood for election and the head of the Executive Branch.  Together with the other ministers in the Cabinet or council, they are the Government (with a capital G). File written by Adobe Photoshop® 5.2

 How is PM selected?
 elected by lower house in Parliament (i.e. majority party leader usually wins)

 How can PM/Government lose office?
 by losing an election (which it calls/sets the timing of) or by a vote of no-confidence


What are the advantages of a Parliamentary system?
 government accountability
 efficiency, easier to make major policy changes
 greater party cohesion, discipline

The disadvantages?
 swings in policy when government changes hands
 high rates of government turnover in highly proportional systems

What are the advantages of a Presidential system?
 President can check legislative power
 Executive independence
 President as symbol of national unity
What are the disadvantages of a Presidential system?
 Less accountability: the President can blame legislature, and vice versa
 Inefficiency, harder to make major policy changes if one branch opposes it
 Promotes candidate centered politics

Different relationships: The President and Congress vs. The PM and Parliament





Which do you prefer, a presidential or a parliamentary system, and why?

In the course, we’ll used the UK (the Westminster model) as our example. Who is the UK’s PM? What are his best skills and attributes as a political leader?

What are our president’s best skills and attributes as a political leader?  Would our president fare well in a parliamentary system?  Why or why not?