People and Politics Worldwide

Class and Other Forms of Social Stratification

Why Class Matters in Politics


Software: Microsoft Office


Social Stratification

     Strata, stratification


Political Saliency




Forms of Social Stratification with Political Saliency:




























Definitions of class


Marxist Definition of Class






Class as operationalized in the TimesÕ series

     What measure do they use?








































     Status, prestige, hierarchy

     High status, middle, low status occupations



     Correlates with status prestige of occupations, but not exactly

     What professions are higher prestige than earning power?

     What professions are lower prestige than earning power?



     Also correlates with prestige and income, but not totally

     e.g. can you think of professions requiring a lot of education but not high in prestige or earning power? Or those that donÕt require a lot of education but that have high prestige or earnings?



     WhatÕs the difference between income and wealth?

     Ònet worthÓ




**In your opinion, how well do these measure approximate the concept of social class?



How consistently do the Times articles use the concept, describe how it functions in American society today?


What other kinds of indicators of class do the articles mention?












Class as consumption?

Class as power?

Class as freedom?








Do you agree that Americans are uncomfortable talking about class, thinking about society in terms of class divisions, politics as a clash of class-based interests?

Why are Americans this way?








Class Voyeurism

Class and Culture Article




How Political Scientists Operationalize Class

     Socio-Economic Status (SES)

     SES model of political participation


Verba and Nie. 1972. Participation in America: Political democracy and social equality. New York: Harper and Row.


Kinds of political participation


How/why does SES affect political participation?




Brady, Verba and Schlozman.  1995. ÒBeyond SES: A Resource Model of Political Participation.Ó The American Political Science Review, Vol. 89, No. 2 (Jun., 1995), pp. 271-294.


What kind of resources determine political participation?











     Civic skills – such as?







This is why CLASS MATTERS for political participation

Because people of different classes have different levels/amounts of these

     Skills, time, money



Compensating factors???














IDENTITY – strong sense of, e.g., national identity/nationalism, ethnic identification, gender identification, class identification







What are we going to use the concept of class in this course?

    You are going to research class in one of the countries we study

     UK, Russia, Mexico, China, India, Egypt, South Africa


     What are the salient classes, class distinctions in your country?


     Find data on occupation, income, education, wealth, people employed in various sectors of the economy


     Historically powerful classes, history/present political struggle of the less powerful classes


     How class, class divisions have animated politics in your country historically, today


     Are class divisions visible in the party system?


     What party represents which classes?


     Who rules?