Concerned about the apparent
decline of all kinds of membership organizations
Bridge clubs
VFW Posts
Charity leagues
Seems these are no longer
continually revitalized by new generations of members
1950s and 1960s
Sociologists noted ever
higher rates of participation in these
“Participatory democracy
has all along been the political style of the American middle and upper
class. It will become a more wide-spread style as more persons enter
into those classes” (James Q. Wilson, 1968)
Since education is the greatest predictor of membership in organizations, it seemed the trend would continue into the present
But it hasn’t
Rest of the book devoted
1) measuring the decline
in civic participation
(if it has, indeed,
2) explaining why civic participation has declined
3) explaining why we should
be concerned about its decline (the so what question)
The Dependent Variable:
Social Capital
Social capital independently discovered numerous times over the 20th Century
Most associate it with James Coleman
Defined – refers to connections among individuals – social networks and the norms of reciprocity and trustworthiness that arise from them.
Related to “civic virtue” but most powerful when embedded in a dense network of reciprocal social relations.
Specific reciprocity
Yogi Berra “If you don’t
go to somebody’s funeral, they won’t come to yours.”
Reciprocity of Organizations:
e.g. Volunteer fire departments
“Come to our breakfast,
we’ll come to your fire.”
Generalized reciprocity
The “favor bank” in Bonfire
of the Vanities
“Paying it forward”
The Golden Rule
Reciprocity is important for social life because it allows people to prove they are trustworthy, people of integrity
a) Trustworthiness
lubricates social life
b) Reputation (generated
by gossip) is essential
for trust
Downside of social capital
It can be used to facilitate
anti-social behavior
e.g. gangs, mafia, militias
Bridging (inclusive) social
(sociological WD40)
vs. Bonding (exclusive) social
(sociological super glue)
Names some organizations that rely upon and generate each kind
What kind of social capital
is generated by your service learning organization??
Why is social capital needed
for politics? To develop public policy?