Chpt. 15
The Big Picture: What
Factors Are Most Responsible for America’s Civic Decline
See Figure 79 (p.284)
10% Time and Money
10% Suburbinization/Sprawl
25% Technology/TV
50% Generational Change
Overlap between TV and Generational
10-15% TV Generation
What’s causing the generational change??
Why are young people different kinds of citizens than previous generations?
What made previous generations
more civic?
Chpt. 21 Democracy
Oscar Wilde: “The
trouble with socialism is that it would take too many evenings.”
No less for democracy, or democratic socialism for that matter.
Participatory Democracy
1816 letter called for constitutional
amendment creating
“wards of such size that every citizen can attend, when called one, and act in person”
“making every citizen an acting member of the government, and in the offices nearest and most interesting to him (sic), will attach him by his strongest feelings to the independence of his country, and its republican constitution.”
e.g. running the schools, caring for the poor, operating police and military forces
examples: Switzerland,
ancient Greek city-states, Italian communal republics
charities, voluntary constabularies,
neighborhood watches, volunteer fire departments, national guard
Could this work as a model
of citizenship today? Why or why not?
Social Capital in the 50 States – see Figure 80 (p.293)
Political Culture in the
50 States
Moralistic – New England,
upper Midwest, NW
Individualistic – Mid-Atlantic
States, West
Traditional – South
People Get the Governments
They Deserve
Italian Study
In US:
Highest Levels of Social
Moralistic states have “best”
government – most progressive, efficient, issue-based politics
Medium Levels of Social Capital
Individualistic states –
stronger parties, professional dominated, focused on economic growth
Lowest Levels of Social Capital
Traditionalistic states
– dominated by elites resistant to change
How well does Putnam’s social
capital index or Elazar’s political culture typology describe your homestate?
Washington state?