West European Politics

Lecture 1:  Where and What is Europe?


Who is Vaclav Havel?

What does he see as the ties that bind Europeans together?

Havel:  Europe exists in three senses

     1. geographic

2.  former communist countries(?)
seeking a "return to Europe"
Europe of prosperity, political freedom, democracy

*3.  really several bases
        common complex history
        common values
        common culture
        common way of life

        a common destiny

European History:

Significant events?

How have these shaped European politics?


What common ways of life?


    Which values animate European social life, politics?

    Source of these values?
            Christianity, Judeo-Christian Ethics

            "Common Moral Minimum"


    Tone of his conclusion; Europe = Christendom?


     Liberalism – US vs. Europe




    Social Democracy

economically and politically

What is “modernity?”  what are the characteristics of modern society/polity

When did
Europe become “modern”?

Why did
Europe become the core of the modern world?

Post-industrial society ­– what is it?

Where is Europe going?

Who is included/excluded from
Havel’s Europe?

Havel overly optimistic about the prospects for one Europe founded on recognition of common European history, civilization?


Is this an elitist view of history/reality?


Do average people feel this way?

Tony Judt

The Grand Illusion

A Euro-skeptic

Ends with idea “’Europe’ is more than a geographical concept but less than an answer (to Europe’s problems).”

European integration as a reaction to history of conflict,
    culminating in World Wars of the 20th Century

Thus, linchpin to the "new Europe" = Germany

Germany's role in new Europe

France's role

East-Central Europe's role

Europe today is a Europe of
"winners" and "losers"

who are the winners, according to Judt?
     who are the losers?

Europe's most pressing problems:

immigration and creation of an "urban underclass"
energy dependence
economic stagnation
declining infrastructure
crisis of welfare state


Not mentioned by Judt or Havel
   french world cup team 2006

but may be the most significant change in European societies over last generation
oecd immigration 2000
SOURCE:  http://lysander.sourceoecd.org/vl=6377184/cl=35/nw=1/rpsv/factbook/01-03-01-g01.htm

affects the basis of European identity as defined by Havel

contributes to (or is perceived to contribute to) many of the problems cited by Judt


could be an answer to many of the problems cited by Judt