# trypsin-inhibitor-complex
# PyMOL script for trypsin-inhibitor-complex
# jdc 2014_11_04
# trypsin_2PTC.pml

load 2PTC.pdb, 2PTC
select trypsin, chain E
util.cbay trypsin
select BPTI, chain I

select K15, resi 15 and BPTI
select A16, resi 16 and BPTI
select D189, resi 189 and trypsin
select triad, resi 57 or resi 102 or resi 195
select HOH, resn HOH
disable HOH

hide everything
color red, BPTI
show ribbon, trypsin
set cartoon_color, red
cartoon skip, (resi 15:16)

set cartoon_highlight_color, grey50
show cartoon, BPTI
show sticks, resi 195 & not(name n+c+o)
show sticks, chain I & resi 16 & not(name cb+c+o)
util.cbab K15
util.cbab A16
show sticks, K15 & not(name n)
show sticks, D189 & not(name n+c+o)

center id 1749

dist HD, I/15/C, E/195/OG
hide label, HD


  1. Marquart M, Walter J, Deisenhofer J, Bode W, Huber R. (1983) The Geometry of the Reactive Site and of the Peptide Groups in Trypsin, Trypsinogen and its Complexes with Inhibitors. Acta. Crystallogr. B39: 480-.