LAB #6
- Prelab Assignment
- Integrated Circuits
- 7448: BCD-To-Seven-Segment Decoders/Drivers
- 7483: 4-Bit Binary Full Adder with Fast Carry
- 7-Segment LED Display
- Laboratory Experiments
- Design a circuit to add two 2-bit numbers using a 7483 4-bit
adder. Use two switches on the D/A trainer to input one value and two
switches to input the other value. The 7483 adds two 4-bit values.
- Design a circuit to display the decimal equivalent of a 4-bit BCD
value, input via switches on the D/A trainer, on a seven-segment
display. Use a 7448 BCD-to-seven-segment decoder to do this. The 7448
runs a common-cathode display and has built-in current limiting resistors.
- Combine the two previous circuits to design a circuit to input two
2-bit binary numbers, add them, and then display the result on the
seven-segment display.