Welcome to the
Inland Empire Undergraduate English Conference

The Inland Empire Undergraduate English Conference is intended to provide an opportunity for undergraduate students to share their hard work, to see what other students in the region are doing, and to explore the possibilities of going on to graduate school or professional opportunities. We hold the conference on a yearly basis to help send the message to English majors in the area that their hard work is appreciated and important. By attending subject panels, students get a chance to see what their peers are doing, which is all too rare in English where the bulk of written work manifests itself in papers that only one or two people ever read. The goals of the conference are to recognize the best regional papers, to expose students to their peers’ work, and to cultivate interaction between regional English departments. If you would like to see the format for the conference, click here to see the 2007 conference program. Please consider submitting a paper, or attending the conference. 

Conference Date: April 4, 2009

Call for Papers Due March 2, 2009

Gonzaga University’s English Department cordially invites you to attend the Inland Empire Undergraduate English Conference. This invitation is being extended to the undergraduate students of Gonzaga, Whitworth, WSU, EWU, and UI. Faculty are invited to attend sessions. This conference is for, and chaired by, undergraduate English students interested in pursuing graduate degrees. We are now accepting undergraduate paper submissions. Direct papers or questions to Dr. Jeff Miller at millerj3@gonzaga.edu.

Lunchtime Symposium Fee: Free to presenters and organizers. Paper reading length will be 15-20 minutes. Papers with an endorsement by an English professor will be given first preference. We are soliciting good undergraduate papers on any subject, and in the following categories:

  • English Literature in all historical periods
  • American Literature in all periods
  • Postcolonial Literature
  • Shakespeare
  • Multi-Ethnic Literatures
  • Women in Literature

Panels will be formed according to the volume and quality of the papers we receive, and participants will be informed of their session and panel chair contact information as soon as we determine the itinerary.

This is an opportunity for undergraduate English majors to experience the work of their peers, to gain experience presenting their work in a formal venue, and to explore the possibility of going on to graduate school. Delivering a formal conference paper will give students an edge when applying to graduate school.

Lunch Time Symposium: “Going on to Graduate School.” During lunch recent PhD recipients will discuss the process of applying to Graduate Programs in English. We will combine food, presentation, and question & answer.

We would like to encourage both students and faculty to attend the various sessions. Attending panel sessions is free to non-presenters and open to all interested observers. Tickets for the lunch time symposium are available on a limited basis for non-participants at the address listed above.

Driving Directions & Map of Gonzaga Campus

For questions, email Dr. Jeff Miller at millerj3@gonzaga.edu