K. DeWolf Resume


Gonzaga Law School

Box 3528, Spokane, WA 99220-3528

(509) 313-3767 (W)

FAX 509-313-5840;


(509) 466-2156 (H)


 1995- Professor, Gonzaga Law School; teaching Torts, Consumer Law, and Remedies
 1998- Fellow, Discovery Institute, Seattle, Washington


 1991-95 Associate Professor, Gonzaga Law School

 1987-91 Assistant Professor, Gonzaga Law School

 1984-87 Assistant Professor, Oklahoma City University, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.


 1993-98 Of Counsel, Casey, Gore & Grewe, P.S., Spokane, Washington

 1987-88 Associate, O'Brien, Watters, Davis, Malisch & Piasta, Santa Rosa, Calif. (business and personal injury litigation)

 1980-84 Associate, Lukins & Annis, Spokane, Washington (Principal responsibility for trial of a variety of cases, including antitrust, Consumer Protection, and construction/product liability)

 1979-80 Law Clerk, Justice Stephen Bistline, Idaho Supreme Court, Boise, Idaho


 1979 J.D., Yale Law School

 (Class rank not assigned; approximately upper one-third)

 Barristers Union Gallagher Prize Finalist

 Research Assistant, Professors Guido Calabresi and Joseph Goldstein

 Intensive Semester, Florence, Italy (studying comparative civil procedure)

 1971 B.A., Stanford University

 Phi Beta Kappa

 Honors in Humanities (Double Major: Religious Studies and German)

 Volunteers in Asia: Teacher, Hong Kong (Summer 1968); Chairman, Selection Committee


 Washington Tort Law & Practice (with Keller W. Allen), West Publishing, 3d ed. 2006; annual Supplement

Washington Contract Law & Practice (with Keller W. Allen and Darlene Barrier), West Publishing, 2d ed. 2007; annual supplement)

Washington Elements of an Action, 2008 ed.

 Cases and Materials on the Law of Torts, Lupus Publications, 1993

Book Review:  Ten Tortured Words, 85 Denv. U. L. Rev. 443 (2007)

Intelligent Design Will Survive Kitzmiller v. Dover, 68 Mont. L. Rev. 7 (2007)

Teaching Harbeson, published in the Journal of Legal Education, December 2004

Teaching the Origins Controversy: Science, or Religion, or Speech? (with Stephen C. Meyer and Mark DeForrest), 2000 Utah L. Rev. 39 (2000)

Academic Freedom After Edwards, published in 13 Regent University Law Review 447 (2001)

Review of The Catholic University as Promise and Project: Reflections in a Jesuit Idiom, by Michael J. Buckley, published in 16 J. Law and Religion 423 (2001)

 Liability for Product Manufacturers in Washington: When is Strict Liability Appropriate? 27 Gonz. L. Rev. 217 (1991-92)

 Comparative Contribution Statutes and the Effect of Settlement on Claim Reduction, 23 Gonz. L. Rev. 37 (1987/88)

 Assumption of Risk and Abnormally Dangerous Activities: A Proposal (with Deborah G. Hander), 51 Mont. L. Rev. 161 (1990)

 State Action Under the Religion Clauses: Neutral in Result or Neutral in Treatment? 24 U. Richmond L. Rev. 253 (1990)

 Book Review / Essay (reviewing Laurence Tribe, Abortion: The Clash of Absolutes), 26 Gonz. L. Rev. 257 (1990/91)

Fetal Position: The Pro-life Majority in Congress has a unique opportunity to Adopt Sensible Limits on Elective Abortion National Review, March 20, 1995 (with Stephen C. Meyer)

A Pro-Life Case for the Daschle Bill, Wall Street Journal, June 6, 1997 (with Stephen C. Meyer)


 Born, 8-23-49; married (Priscilla Ellwood), four children aged 20 to 27 (as of 2010).


 "Damages Case Law Update," Washington State Bar Association, November 13, 1990 (Yakima).

 "Employers and Respondeat Superior Liability in Washington," Washington State Trial Lawyers Association, September 8-9, 1994 (Spokane and Seattle)

"Tort Implications for Y2K Planning," Washington State Trial Lawyers Association, February 26, 1999, Seattle.


 Washington State Bar Association, since 1980

 State Bar of California, since 1987 (inactive member since 1989)        Return to David K. DeWolf Home Page