DOS Tutorial
This is a program written in MS-DOS, but it will run in Windows. The easiest way to run the program is to go to "My Computer" (or in Windows Explorer) and find your CD-ROM drive (assuming that you've left the Torts CD in your drive; if not, go to where you copied the CD onto your hard drive). Look for the "Tutorial" subdirectory and then look for the following files; if you double-click on them, they will run the program:





Each of these files will launch the tutorial for the respective parts of the textbook. Chapters 0 (introduction) through 3 are in Part 1; Chapters 4-7 are in Part 2, Chapters 8-11 are in Part 3, and chapters 11 and 12 are in Part 4.

Two features also require mention: first, when the tutorial for Chapter 6 was prepared, it used the Oregon statute that was then in force. Since then, Oregon changed its law, and the new law is in the textbook, and does not correspond to what is in the tutorial. If you want to, you can use the statute for Oregon that is contained in the tutorial itself, but you may simply want to skip it.

Second, if you run the program directly from the CD, it will give you an error message when you finish, saying, "Performance data not being recorded; see your system administrator." This is because the CD won't let you store the file that keeps track of your score. Don't worry about this feature; just exit the program.