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based on the course, Organizational Communication, Fall 1997
Creating a visual "map" of your information environment helps you to focus on more particular relationships with constituents within that environment (clients, coworkers, colleagues, competitors, suppliers, ...etc.). With some background tools on how communication relationship are established and improved, we can then redesign specific communication processes in our work environment.
Here's one example of an Information Environment Map. As you will find when you begin to work on yours, there are many different ways to visualize the information environment. Your approach to mapping may ultimately tell you as much about yourself as the map tells you about others!
As time permits, we will begin a critical discussion of how to take information from this kind of map and the associated constitutent analysis and begin to "redesign" specific communication relationships.
For this exercise, I would like us to work together to choose items from the following lists and then describe a progression of sophisticated communication behaviors which increasingly take advantage of the possiblities of advanced information technology to work better.
©1997 by Mark Alfino, Department of Philosophy, Gonzaga University.