People and Politics Worldwide
Colonialism and Globalization

Colonialism - define













    a system of relations between two nation-states, regions,or territories

    characterized by asymmetries of economic and political power

    generally accompanied by some form of direct political administration

    and with capital flowing in the direction of the more powerful,
    more developed country or region

a large part of the answer to the question of why is the “west” (north) is wealthier and more developed that the south

Africa 1914

Latin American Colonizers   

Is colonialism just a fancy word for stealing??

Is globalization different from colonialism?



Magstadt's definition:
    the processs by which various values, institutions, technologies, and products,
    as well as a certain lifestyle associated with advanced postindustrial societies,
    are spreading to all parts of the world.

How have pre-existing economic and political institutions adapted to the conditions presented by globalization?
What new economic and political institutions have arisen?


Regional Trade blocs
The European Union


The European Union

The EU most advanced, politically integrated

But it didn't happen over night

1951: Treaty of Paris
Only six countries:  France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, Netherlands, Luxembourg
in Europe

Formed European Coal and Steel Community ECSC

1960s: Common Agricultural Policy

1970s and 80s: Common Market, Single European Act, Monetary coordination

1990s: Political integration, Institution building, Monetary union

2000-2005:  Continued institution building, Constitution drafted

Geographical Expansion

 EU Enlargements

EU 25
EU 25

EU History

EU Institutions