CHEM 101
General Chemistry

J. D. Cronk    Syllabus    Topics


Chemical vocabulary 101

Names and symbols of select elements. Elements that exist as diatomic molecules, and their formulas. Names, formulas, and charges for selected polyatomic ions. Names and formulas for additional selected molecules.

1a. Names and chemical symbols of the first 20 elements:

atomic number    name         symbol

            1          hydrogen          H
            2          helium             He
            3          lithium             Li
            4          beryllium          Be
            5          boron               B             6          carbon             C             7          nitrogen           N             8          oxygen             O             9          fluorine            F             10        neon                Ne


atomic number    name         symbol

            11          sodium            Na
            12          magnesium      Mg
            13          aluminum        Al
            14          silicon             Si
            15          phosphrous      P             16          sulfur              S             17          chlorine           Cl             18          argon              Ar             19          potassium        K             20          calcium            Ca

1b. Names and chemical symbols of other Group VIIA elements (the halogens):

(Name, symbol, atomic number)
Bromine, Br, 35
Iodine, I, 53

1c. Names and chemical symbols of other frequently encountered elements:

(Name, symbol, atomic number)
Copper, Cu, 35
Gold, Au, 79
Iron, Fe, 26
Lead, Pb, 82
Manganese, Mn, 35
Mercury, Hg, 80
Nickel, Ni, 28 Platinum, Pt, 78
Silver, Ag, 47
Zinc, Zn, 30

2. Elements that exist as diatomic molecules

hydrogen, H2
nitrogen, N2
oxygen, O2
the halogens: F2, Cl2, Br2, I2

3. Names, formulas, and charges for selected polyatomic ions:

Cations: Ammonium, NH4+; Hydronium, H3O+

Anions (−1):
Hydroxide, OH
Nitrate, NO3    (conjugate acid: nitric acid, HNO3)
Perchlorate, ClO4    (conjugate acid: perchloric acid, HClO4)
Chlorate, ClO3    (conjugate acid: chloric acid, HClO3)
Chlorite, ClO2    (conjugate acid: chlorous acid, HClO2)
Hypochlorite, ClO    (conjugate acid: hypochlorous acid, HClO)
Chloride, Cl    (conjugate acid: hydrochloric acid, HCl)
Acetate, C2H3O2 (also written as CH3COO or abbreviated as OAc;
                          conjugate acid: acetic acid, HC2H3O2 or CH3COOH or HOAc)
Hydrogen carbonate, HCO3 (also called bicarbonate)
Cyanide, CN    (conjugate acid: hydrocyanic acid, HCN)

Anions (−2):
Carbonate, CO32−
Sulfate, SO42−

Anions (−3):
Phosphate, PO43−

4. Names and formulas for additional selected molecules

water, H2O
carbon dioxide, CO2
ammonia, NH3
methane, CH4

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