CHEM 245

J. D. Cronk    Syllabus    Previous lecture | Next lecture

Lecture 21. Bioenergetics and metabolism

Thursday 11 April 2019

Introduction to and overview of metabolism. Bioenergetics and biochemical thermodynamics. Calculations involving biochemical free energy changes. Types of biochemical reactions.

Reading: Lehninger - Part II (intro), pp.491-494; Ch.13, pp.495-507.


The study of metabolism draws heavily upon enzymology, thermodynamics, organic chemistry, is informed by various levels of biology frrom molecular to organismal, and is concerned not only with the sequence of biochemical reactions of metabolic pathways, but also the means and mechanisms by which they are regulated, as well as their integration into a living organism as an autonomous complex system.

A systematic treatment of metabolic pathways customarily begins with glycolysis. The glycolytic pathway formally begins with glucose, which is phosphorylated and then isomerized to fructose 6-phosphate. In the case of animals or humans, glucose metabolism is integrated with the storage and breakdown of glycogen. Alongside of glycolysis, it is necessary to consider its formal reverse, the pathway of gluconeogenesis.

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